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RadioWan Online


At Radio WAN we take a rather different approach from our competitors to your advertising.  Elsewhere, you’ll find radio stations selling strict packages of 15, 30, 45, or 60-second ads at different rates.  We are more interested in telling your story than in sticking to a rigid time slot.

If it takes 33 seconds to promote your service without rushing, we’ll take the extra time.  If there’s a lot of information about your business to get across, we might split the information up into multiple scripts so that the audience doesn’t feel overloaded with information.  We guarantee, however, that your ad will never be shorter than 30 seconds.

Significantly we believe, we do not have a sliding scale of charges, an ad is an ad in our book.  We have our own in-house copy and production facility and do not charge for copy or production services.

Unlike most radio stations, Radio WAN limits the amount of advertising we broadcast.  We find it intensely irritating to hear ad breaks that run for three, four, or even five minutes, don’t you?  If your advertisement is the third player in a string of five, just how much impact do you think it will have?

At Radio WAN we limit ad breaks to two ads at a time.  While advertising is of course our lifeblood, we recognize that the audience listens for the music, not for the ads.  Unlike TV where the breaks are a great opportunity to make a coffee or quickly check your email, our breaks aren’t long enough for that.  We love the music as much as you do and want to get back to it as soon as possible!

We do offer an ‘Executive’ service where your ad is not a recorded insert but rather a live ‘ad-lib’ by the announcer on duty.  This has the advantage that the ad is never the same twice and usually runs rather longer than a pre-recorded slot.  Live ad-libs are, of course, limited to the periods that we have a live presenter in the studio but particularly if you’re on or close to UTC/GMT/Zulu +8, they can be an incredibly effective way of promoting your business.

If for example, you’re a retail outlet running the Radio WAN feed on your premises, you can phone or email through specials that you’re running, even between specific times, and our announcer will preview the special sale for example:

“In half an hour, for an hour, Fred’s Supermarket are marking down their steak packs by 30 percent.  If you can be at Fred’s Supermarket during that hour, you’ll get a great deal on Fred’s Finest Steak. While you’re there, be sure to check out Fred’s new range of laundry products, oh, and Fred’s Supermarket has just taken delivery of the first of their Christmas lines. Those mince pies look wonderful!  Fred’s Supermarket, great value on the best groceries, whenever you visit!”

During the sale period, the announcer would provide a countdown for the special offer while promoting other notable lines, aiming at customers already in the store as well as those listening elsewhere.

This approach has proven very successful with outlets from supermarkets to hardware outlets, restaurants (“Today’s lunchtime special is…”) and even vehicle sales.  In the latter case with a suitable lead-in time, the announcer can even give a test-drive report on a new model or the ‘Used Car Of The Day’ should that be desired.

Please get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ link to discuss how to live ad-lib advertising would best promote your business.

RadioWan Online

Advertising Rates

As Radio WAN is a privately owned entity, we are able to be very flexible with our advertising rates.

As a guide, the full rate for a pre-recorded announcement is $AU 10.00 per insertion, an ad-lib will be around $AU 15.00 depending upon what is required.  We need to discuss your ad-lib requirements to provide a per-insertion cost.

As with ad-lib advertising, each Outside Broadcast is different and as such, charged depending on the facilities provided, but as a rough guide, at full rates, an eight-hour onsite commercial OB with four remote speakers plus up to four local hard-wired speakers would attract around  $AU 2500.00 in costs, depending on location and specific requirements on the day.

Please contact us too if you’re planning a charitable event as commercial OB rates don’t apply to fund-raisers.

RadioWan Online


At Radio WAN we make sure that there are no product conflicts.  There will never be two consecutive ads for similar businesses.  Our scheduling is such that similar products are separated by at least one music break.

At Radio WAN we don’t do day-part advertising.  Being an online radio station, not limited to the range of a conventional transmitter, we understand that our audience is active right around the clock, so no hour is more ‘valuable’ than another.  Instead, we ask that you specify the hours of the day you wish to target and we will schedule your paid advertising in that period.

We schedule ads to run initially during peak times according to our time zone.  Until the schedule fills, empty slots across the day (and night) will be filled with bonus spots chosen from signed-up advertisers on a pro-rata basis so that the more ads an advertiser purchases, the greater their share of bonus plays will be.

RadioWan Online

Effective Advertising

The trick to effective advertising is repetition.  An ad played once a day is pointless and a waste of your advertising dollar.  For an effective ‘maintenance’ campaign, where your business is established and well known, you should consider at least one insertion per hour during periods you identify as ‘peak’ for your operation.  For a high-pressure campaign, two insertions per hour would be effective.

By traditional standards this doesn’t seem much  but online audiences listen far longer than conventional ones.  This has been a revelation and makes online advertising much more effective. We can show you how online radio advertising is more than twice as effective as conventional broadcast radio.  This means that a comparable effective ad campaign on Radio WAN will cost you less than half that on a conventional station.

Radio WAN also has the unique ability to target an audience in specific locations anywhere in the world.  We have affiliate stations in several Australian and international locations through which we can run additional advertisements while we can also target specific areas with our own transmissions.

Let’s talk about your needs and how we can deliver.

Radio WAN also promotes charitable and community events at no cost.  If you represent a charity or similar non-profit entity, we may be able to help you promote your services and events.  Please contact us for further details.